John Hewitt

Writings and other things

How to be a technical writer – courses & tutorials

With over thirty years as a technical writer and currently serving as a content strategist at Quicken, I’ve seen firsthand how rapidly our field evolves. Technologies change and industries shift, making continuous learning not just beneficial but essential for keeping up. Let me share how you can stay relevant and skilled in technical writing. Whether it’s through enrolling in courses, diving into online tutorials, or attending industry workshops, I’ll discuss practical ways to nurture a lifelong learning mindset that supports both career growth and personal adaptability.

Tips for Getting Started:

  • Recognize the value of continuous learning in maintaining and advancing your career.
  • Stay informed about industry trends and changes, even when you’re not actively job seeking.

The Importance of Skill Building

In the early 2000s tech crash and the subsequent great recession, I found myself without work. These challenging times were opportunities for me to enhance my skills and improve my marketability. It’s crucial to dedicate time to skill building, not only during slow periods but also when things are going well.

Tips for Effective Skill Building:

  • Set aside regular time for learning, regardless of career highs or lows.
  • Identify key skills that need improvement and focus on these areas.

Finding Courses: In-Person and Online

Whether it’s returning to school like I did at Northern Arizona University or finding local seminars, education is a gateway to enhancing your skill set. I pursued a master’s degree and a professional writing certificate which, despite the cost, significantly benefited my career. For more budget-friendly options, consider community colleges and resources offered by local libraries.

Tips for Finding the Right Courses:

  • Explore both in-person and online education options to determine what suits your learning style and budget.
  • Utilize local resources such as community colleges and libraries that often offer low-cost or free learning opportunities.

Online Courses: A Flexible Option

Online courses provide the flexibility to learn at your pace and access a wide range of topics from anywhere in the world. Platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udemy offer courses from well-respected institutions and industry professionals, making them ideal for both foundational learning and specialized skills.

Tips for Choosing Online Courses:

  • Look for courses that offer practical skills and real-world applications.
  • Consider courses that provide certificates of completion as they can enhance your resume.

Focusing on Specific Tools and Skills

As a technical writer in the software field, understanding programming basics and design principles is crucial. Platforms like Code Academy for coding and YouTube for software tools provide valuable resources for learning. Despite the occasional need to sift through less helpful content, these platforms are invaluable for self-directed learning.

Tips for Learning Specific Tools:

  • Start with videos and tutorials on individual tools to build specific skills.
  • Regularly update your skills in areas like programming and visual design to stay competitive.

Utilizing Company Resources

Many companies offer educational resources that can be very beneficial. For instance, learning Adobe Framemaker through company-provided tutorials can give you a competitive edge as it remains a prominent tool in technical documentation.

Tips for Using Company Resources:

  • Check your employer’s learning resources as many companies invest in employee development.
  • Focus on tools critical to your role within the company to enhance your job performance.

Conclusion: Staying Ahead

In summary, as technical writers, we must continually adapt and learn to remain relevant and effective in our roles. From academic degrees to online tutorials, each educational tool adds to our arsenal, making us more versatile and competent. Remember, the investment you make in learning today paves the way for future opportunities.

Final Tips:

  • Keep learning and adapting; the technical world evolves, and so should you.
  • Engage with a community of learners; sharing experiences and resources can enhance your learning journey.

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